Saturday, November 12, 2011

My education plan???? advice/suggestions/comments please?

I starting at community college then transfering to an instate 2nd tier University of PITT. While at CC i plan on maintaining a high GPA, learning french/russian and trying to get into the Phi Tetta Kappa chapter. When i transfer i will double major in either computer science/economics or Comp Sci/ Finance im not sure yet? I also will be earning an international business certificate and do an international internship in finance. At PITT i will be involved in the trading club, parkour club, investment banking club, finance club, and international business club. I am praying to get into the Delta Sigma honors business society. I come from Russia so i want to study aborad/intern in Moscow. When i finish my degree i will want to go to chicago and do a little bit of prop trading then go to an ivy league for my MSF like Carnegie. Then back to trading my way to alot of money. I want to eventually move to Russia and open a hedge fund.

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