Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What the heck does my dream mean?

okay. so at first i was at a baseball practice (i dont even do baseball) in this caged area on that foamy flooring in this caaged area. all of the sudden, some girl went out to the middle and everyone started stabbing her with needles and then this lady walked in and protected her but they both died. then all of the sudden the room turned into a lake with jungle trees and stuff. the bad girls swam across the lake and one wanted to ride on an alligator, but it ate her.me and the good girls climbed in a tree. the suddenly i was floating on an iceberg with my brother, but to steer the iceberg i had to hold a bubble in my hand and freeze a little globe inside of it with my hands. then there were hellicopters dropping off huge spiky and they were rolling every where crushing people. but it was like this big sea of icebergs at my school. then my brother and i hopped on to my school but it was only one buliding and it was surrounded by a part of the side walk that was broken off and it was floating in the sea. when we got on, i saw a bunch of people gathering on the side cu the guard toldus to go that way away from the spiky ball. then of course, my brother and i went the other way and saw the spiky ball coming and told everyone to go the other way. then my brother and i tried to go back to our iceberg, but he fell and i caught him. then suddenly i was a queen married to a king in an election, but we were also secret agents. we had to go somewhere on a mission. i remember we all had fake teeth that were greenish brownish and we had to send messages through them moving them with our tongues. and then i had to ask some guy a question so i asked "do u wish leprechauns were real?" and he said "we had some come in a few days ago," and we headed back (to somewhere idk where) but i fell off the iceberg but the king picked me back up. oh and i was also wearing some olden day clothing :) ya it was pretty wierd.....

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