Friday, November 11, 2011

When do people put there christmas decorations up?

Usually anytime after Thanksgiving.Even in the stores they start putting out decorations and christmas ornaments just after Thanksgiving.It really depends on how you feel about it.Shops like where you live do that to generate interest in buyers spending money.That is why Black Friday started.It is the first day after Thanksgiving.Some stores like toy stores do that.Grocery stores display for Thanksgiving to promote buying during that holiday to sell turkeys and all the trimmings for the holiday.It also depends on the tradition you are celebrating for it.Originally the tradition started as a pagan festival known as Yule.That is where the tree comes in.The lights were originally candles.People eventually changed that when it was considered dangerous and a fire hazard so they went to electric lights.The Santa that you see today was complements of an artist by the name of Thomas Nast.Originally he was a man that went around to underprivileged kids in his village giving them toys and candy.He later was made a saint by the name of Saint Nickolaus.Thomas Moore wrote a story that was added to the history of the holiday.The night before christmas.Charles ens did one also...A christmas carol.But the main thing to consider on most acinical minds is that the celebration of christmas is the birthday of the lord and savior.Some of whom believe that he was not born in December but in November.But in any event I would say anytime between now and December the 25 would be acceptable for putting up decorations.

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