Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Around how much do you think this cake from cake boss would cost?

Well, my brother is turning 4 in november and my family is planning on going to carlos bakery and get my brother a knight cake. You see, he is really into knights and armor and the movie narnia so we want this bday to be like a knight theme and special for him because on his last birthday his turtle died and it was REALLY! hard on him. So lets say if we got him like a medium size cake to feed 15 people, how much would that cost if you know? we will contact them is possible and do you have any ideas, something that has to do with armor but has a kid-friendly size. thankss everyone

What are my chances of being pregnant?

i had unprotected on august 8 twice. i've been on and off the pill, but taken it steadily for the past month. what are my chances of being pregnant? i took a pregnancy test 25 DAYS past ovulation (although i didn't use first morning urine, but i've heard that by then hcg would show up in any time of day at this point) and it was negative. i took one a few days before and it was negative, too. but my have been sore lately... and i don't know if it's me being paranoid or what. i was nauseous the other day, but i haven't had anything that i'd consider morning sickness. i feel like there's no way i'm pregnant, but the soreness has me confused.

Oppinions? 200L/55gal tank?

Your tank is fully stocked. Anymore fish & you'll create problems for yourself & end up having to clean & water change twice a week, & start losing fish to ammonia/nitrate problems. Tannins are created by wood that hasn't been soaked long enough & have started leaching colours & tannins into your water. Remove whatever wood you have in there, place in a bucket & soak for at least a week. That should remove the tannins. And in the meantime do a 20/25% water change (as usual) & replace the water, then again before the wood goes back in, this should clear things up.

Which lotion should i choose?

i want to have a good misturizing and fairness cream. Which on should i try? Ponds white beauty or Dove moisturising lotion?

Man’s exploration into space has only brought humans physically to the surface of earth’s only natural satelli

Man’s exploration into space has only brought humans physically to the surface of earth’s only natural satellite, the Moon. There have been just six landings on the moon by NASA astronauts. The first one was in 1969. What year was the last manned moon landing?

Why would my wife tell me this about her coworker?

My wife and I met in college and have been married for 9 years. We are both in our early thirties. We have only been with each other and have always had a good life I think. However, recently we have been arguing. This has especially been the case since she told me about a coworker (she is a school teacher) who has been paying her many compliments and what I feel is too much attention. For example, she says he described his physical "ideal woman" to her one morning and it was someone exactly like her. He has apparently suggested on two occasions she leave one more on undone on her shirts. He also rested his hand on her backside after a hug and another time told her he could see what she was wearing through her skirt. He is a single guy in his twenties I think and I do not like this going on. My main question though is why she would tell me this stuff when it makes me so upset? What do I do to handle this? I do not want a confrontation but I also do not want this going on. What do I say to her or to him to make sure that this does not get out of hand?

36 weeks, my tummy is so itchy.. HELP!?

I'm 36 weeks, and since yesterday, my skin started itching SO BAD. I never was too itchy before. I don't know what to do to help it. I put Palmers on it, and it started to burn. So then I put Curel motherhood, and that burned even more! HELP! I cannot stop scratching!

How common is my situation?

First off, I'm 46. I had my first child, a boy, at 16 with my first wife. We later had 10 more, so I ended up with 10 boys and a girl. The girl is the youngest and is now 17 and having children of her own. I recently had a new child with my second wife (my first died in 2004). One of my older sons is now a grandfather, making me a great grandfather. My child is younger than my great grandson and great granddaughter. How common is that?

I had ovualtion ultrasound and doc saw some fluid and i probably would have ovulated already?

one of the follicles measured 21mm during ultrasound. we had the night before, same night and after as well. and he also did post coital - took some mucus from inside me and showed me under microscope that lots of live sperm are moving. i usually have 29 day cycle. cycle started on may 31st, ultrasound showed ovulation indication on june 13th morning. wat do u ladies think are my chances of getting preg this month..have been ttc since 11 months !!

How do i start plus size modeling?

Go to www.exploretalent.com and get a membership. The first membership is free, if you want more you have to pay. But they have tons of modeling jobs on there, and I occasionally see some for plus sized models. Good luck! :)

What would u do? my mama herd carmen say u said it first and fran tried to cover it up like she didnt?

My uncle is the type of person who picks and plays when my friends would come over he would pick with them and stuff ok carmen would be like I dont like to play leave me alone But Fran would be like stop ha ha and get all girly about it I think shes got a little crush on him and wont say anything But when me and carmen wernt talking she went over to carmens grannys house and eat wid them and stuff then she came back and I was like did they say anything about me and then she started to say it and then she stopped and then she had me all anxious to see if anyone was runnin der mouth about me but she told me she said well carmen started talking about your uncle saying he was trying to touch her making it seem like my uncle was some kinda pervert when he's not at all like that So I was mad.. mama and my uncle got ready to go to MikkiDs fran was supose to go home but she rode wid dem and she put carmen on speacker to see what she would say and carmen was like u brung it up fran

Why the Govt. of America supports anti-democratic countries/Governments even dictatorships of the world.?

American Government has been supporting economically, politically and many ways the countries having anti-democratic governments even dictatorships since long, for example, Saudi Arabia and Arab sheaiks countries, Iran when it was a Imerialist country of Shah Iran, the dictors of Cobodia, Chilli, Panama, Granada, Geotamala, Iraq when Sadam got a lot of American Aid, Talaban when they fought with USSR even though they believe on dictatorship and many countries of Asia, Africa and South America. Is it fare to support a dictator who killed millions of annocent peoples?

Which name do you like best? ((Girls and Boys Names))?

if it was me i would have maddison for a girl and Aiden for a boy. if i was coosing off your list i would pick ryder for a boy and Amber-rose for a girl. good luck with the baby and i want to know what you call it!!! xx

Can I use this ID for dave and busters?

I have this party at dave and busters this friday but my purse was stolen and i dont have my drivers license or pport the only thing i have is well my birth certificate and a medicaid card which is goverment issued and has my picture and date of birth on it. Do you think theyll take it?? im going to the one in Manhattan.

Is asking questions in a College Research Essay ever okay?

If it's part of an introduction, or as a conclusion suggesting topics for further research, then yes, you can. You say that you are going to address the question further on in your essay, so ask away. And I'm resisting the urge to rephrase your entire paragraph to make it more professional sounding.

Best days when trying to conceive?

Me and my hubby have bd on days 11,12,13. I have a pretty regular 28 day cycle. I'm wondering if it's better to bd before ovulation as I have this month? Chances good?

My dog is afraid of my new puppy. What should I do?

My five year old Bichon mix Lucky is afraid of our new Collie puppy Sadie who is eight weeks old. She is still a lot smaller than him, but he is absolutely terrified of her. Whenever she tries to play with him, He'll bare his teeth at her and go hide. I am really not sure what the problem is because he has been around other puppies before and Sadie is pretty submissive. Any suggestions of what I should do?

Would you buy my book with this back cover blurb if you are 9-12 or a parent of a kid that age?

After five years of misery in an all-girls orphanage with only one friend, twelve-year-old Alyssa Norris discovers her new power to make animals speak. When a zoo truck stops near the orphanage, a monkey invites her to escape to Africa to live with a family. Alyssa agrees to go, flees Canada, and arrives in Tanzania, where she meets the family. After she disobeys a demand, the family punishes her and temporarily leaves Alyssa all alone. Luckily, a friendly cheetah suggests a tour of the landscape. Alyssa agrees and encounters many intense, risky, and wild surprises with the zoo truck animals.

"I have sony bravia kdl-v5500 tv. I could not find option to display off the time on the screen. please hlp me?

I think where you have the circle on the remote.The on directly above it should do it for you.it does on my Sony Bravia anyway

Gays will be able to serve openly in the Military?10points?

I thinks they should stop grouping people within their oreintation, and deal with disruptive behavior. I am totally in favour of people serving openly and also marrying who they want. If any behavior is disruptive then deal with it case by case, but to group people together and punsih them for simply being who they are is ridiculous and discriminatory.

Which of Shakespeares plays do you think is most famous, and which is your favorite?

Romeo and Juliet is totally the most famous. My favourite so far is probably Hamlet because of all the amazing monologues in it... well.. maybe because Hair uses so many of them... "What a Piece of Work Is Man" for one, and also lines here and there. "Eyes, look your last" and all that.

Can someone tell me how to improve my deck please ! and recommend cards to me :P also how do u get marshmellow?

Well if you're going for a dragon deck throw those red eyes cards in there and get a lord of d and flute of summoning dragon. Tyrant Dragon and Felgrand Dragon might help too. Mystik Wok is a good magic card. Also Blue Eyes is still a good monster to use. Blast sphere helps a lot too.

Could the Vikings go to the Superbowl? How would the Packers feel about it?

Wow can't you give the Packer fans a break, talk about rubbing salt into wounds.. Packer fans had nothing to do with Brett leaving. And they have a right to their feelings about him. They have seniority. And Brett will say what ever the Vikings need to hear, but this man is a Packer and always will be. If it was possible for him to go back to the Packers now he would.. And don't forget all this love for Brett, from the Vikings now was hate just a short time ago.. Rodgers is a good young quarterback, and will be there for the Packers, long after Brett has gone.. They will rebuild their team just like the Viking did, remember when they were sorry. Not trying to be mean or sarcastic, but i feel bad for the Packers fans that still love and support Brett and you include them in your sarcasm

How do you pronounce "Here" in Czechoslovakian?

I know its not a language anymore or anything but if anyone knows how to pronounce "here" in Czechoslovakian, it would be much appreciated.

Basket setting for round diamond earrings?

I just "traded up" my pair of diamond earrings, and the pair I got are in a "basket setting". They have a lower profile, which is perfect for me because I wear them 24/7 (also b/c of the screw backs). Anyhow, they the tcw is .5 and I+, SI..originally $1899, but on sale for $737..plus my credit from upgrade. Was that a good deal? It seems too good to be true, and why isn't basket setting popular anymore? They sparkle so much, and it's nice that they don't poke out far. I'm just weary b/c the sales lady seemed a tad "snakey". So, any thoughts on basket setting?

Does having high cholesterol mean you have clogged arteries?

my cholesterol is considered high. my high cholesterol is hereditary because my diet is pretty healthy. I have always wondered and stupid me has never asked my dr. does it automatically mean you have clogged arteries. I worry because I do have small children and don't want to have a heart attack. I do take medicine,exercise and eat right. what are your chances of getting clogged arteries.

Do you think that the follwing actresses and actors are hot?

Jeffery Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, the boyfriend from ice castles, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Kristen Belle, Angelina Jolie, The Rock, Hugh Lauri, Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Halley williams, etc, you can add your own, but even if you do, please write somone you think is hot or not from the list, and why

Question on supplements?

I don't have any information regarding wheat bran or the supplements you're questioning (other than the fact that rice bran is better than wheat bran, and i would never feed anything not intended for food unless I knew 100% it's safety), but I do have a suggestion. Never, ever double up on a multivitamin (or a supplement in general, unless it's a loading dose). You're literally poisoning your horse. Your horse is already getting a good amount of it's vitamins/minerals from its feed (between hay, grain, complete feed, whatever). All-around supplements or multivitamins are normally good to balance everything out. But when you're doubling them, most of those vitamins/minerals just need to be excreted, causing more work for your horse internally, and it can be hard on them. If it has selenium (likely), this is extremely dangerous in too high of doses. So my suggestion is a phosphorous/calcium imbalance is better (for the time being-no imbalance is good long term) than poisoning your horse. My other suggestion-if you have a question about these things, your vet knows these things and can give you advice on them. Talking to your vet about what you're feeding and how to balance it is a much better idea than asking random people over the internet.

How hard is it to get into OCS right now?

I am currently enlisted in the DEP with the Army. I got the job that I wanted (HUMINT) but still have about 5 months until I leave for BCT. I was wondering how competitive OCS is since my recruiter told me that it is very competitive. I have a BA in Mathematics with a 2.54 GPA and scored a 95 on my ASVAB and 126 on my GT. He said it is easier to transition from enlisted to OCS in about a year. Do you think I have a shot at OCS? If so, can I apply for OCS while on DEP?

I need to fly to oakland ca what is the cheapest airline?

i need to go in late august but it seems that the cheapest is 150 and its 5 of us does any one where i cant get them for cheap thanks

Was C. S. Lewis a racist? when he wrote about the Calormens?

If you don't know, in the Narnia series, Calormen was a country mixed with Persian, Arabian and Turkish cultures. He portrayed them as villains.

Go for it or wait for it?

Well i wouldn't want to be with someone who still has feelings for an ex like she does. You should call her and talk to her once in a while and when you get comfortable enough with her, tell her how you feel. Always try to flirt with her and try to find a way to see how she feels about you. If you just straight up ask her it'll probably scare her away. Be patient

Puh-lease Click HERE ... ( URGENT ! )?

Umm.. the truth is, is that I'm still having a bit of a difficult process going through each full procedure properly and thoroughly for my Science Fair Project, which is: "Which Lip Gloss Brand Stays On Longest?" However, here's the MAIN problem in which is relevant to the topic and fits my curiousity: I don't know the diff. between the CONCLUSION and the RESULTS. I just don't really get it. Word of Advice....? PLEASE!

Do you think he likes me? im confussedd :/?

well theres this boy and we were hanging out and when he saw me at first he was pissed off at me for taking his shoes and then a few minutes later he kept touching my back flirting with me, cudding, putting his head on my lap on my shoulder and letting me do the same. later he hugged me relly tight like 5 times and grabbed my once. whenever i sign on AIM he ims me right away. i cant tell if he likes me cuz hes always moody cause his dad died last yearr. what do u think?

What the heck does my dream mean?

okay. so at first i was at a baseball practice (i dont even do baseball) in this caged area on that foamy flooring in this caaged area. all of the sudden, some girl went out to the middle and everyone started stabbing her with needles and then this lady walked in and protected her but they both died. then all of the sudden the room turned into a lake with jungle trees and stuff. the bad girls swam across the lake and one wanted to ride on an alligator, but it ate her.me and the good girls climbed in a tree. the suddenly i was floating on an iceberg with my brother, but to steer the iceberg i had to hold a bubble in my hand and freeze a little globe inside of it with my hands. then there were hellicopters dropping off huge spiky and they were rolling every where crushing people. but it was like this big sea of icebergs at my school. then my brother and i hopped on to my school but it was only one buliding and it was surrounded by a part of the side walk that was broken off and it was floating in the sea. when we got on, i saw a bunch of people gathering on the side cu the guard toldus to go that way away from the spiky ball. then of course, my brother and i went the other way and saw the spiky ball coming and told everyone to go the other way. then my brother and i tried to go back to our iceberg, but he fell and i caught him. then suddenly i was a queen married to a king in an election, but we were also secret agents. we had to go somewhere on a mission. i remember we all had fake teeth that were greenish brownish and we had to send messages through them moving them with our tongues. and then i had to ask some guy a question so i asked "do u wish leprechauns were real?" and he said "we had some come in a few days ago," and we headed back (to somewhere idk where) but i fell off the iceberg but the king picked me back up. oh and i was also wearing some olden day clothing :) ya it was pretty wierd.....

Help with My team? Trade(s).......????

Didnt we help you yesterday? I offered some ideas without trading but if you seriously need to make a deal then find a Yankees fan in your group and offer damon/ cabrera and Wang for a good outfielder. You need to get rid of your bench (very brutal...Votto maybe comes out of this group to be solid but I dont think he will, the rest are terrible) and Damon and Willingham have got to go. You could dump some of those guys and pick up guys like I mentioned before, see if Encarnacion or Kouzmanoff are available and maybe look to see if guys like Josh Hamilton or even Rocco Baldelli are free agents. You need to look to see if Felipe Lopez or Asdrubal cabrera are free agents as well. Or pick up a guy like Daric Barton (the A's are giving him the 1st base job and he killed minor league pitching). You dont have much in the way of tradable guys, the good ones you have you just cant deal away. I wouldnt tinker too much with the pitching right away but you need another closer (again see who is available, C.J. Wilson, Brian Wilson, Brandon Lyon, Kerry Wood are all guys worth looking at especially Brian Wilson who is electric and has been given the Giants closer job).

How do these names sound together for a sibling set?

The boys names are traditional and the girls names contemporary...they do not mix well. Orla is not a real name.

How you guys deal with the relationship with your girl friend? help me!!?

i have a girl friend ,but she is not the ordinary type of girl , she is so quiet and conserved.she is not good at showing her feelings,i can not feel a thing when i was hanging out with her . i am a ordinary person , i just want a girl that have dependece of me and do not fear show her love to me. when i think of breaking with her, she insists that she is willing to keep me.how can i deal with it , i really do not want to hurt her , but i can not get what i expected. is there a way to fix this ?

HEY OBAMA HATERS:is there any republican right now that is as good as obama to beat him in the 2012 election?

"Good as Obama" Such an ignorant question, he has yet to do anything to our country that suggests he is a good president or even bad. He's been in office for a month. He has yet to show results for anything. Your going to try to predict the future when he's done nothing good for our country as of today. Dumb question. Thanks for the points. You my friend are lame, obviously ignorant and have no facts to say he is a good President.

Whats your favorite Willie Nelson song & why?

Nothing I Can Do About It Now, this song speaks of how one makes mistakes, but there is nothing they can do to make it right.

What did Adolf Hitler do during the war?

I'm doing a report and i can't find exactly what I want so if you can give my some info about what he did in the war would be nice. Please and Thank you!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Can anybody think of a funny title for Posh's latest look?

a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1082883/Posh-goes-hell-leather-tough-biker-chic-look--shes-getting-plane.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/art…/a

If Saddam Hussein is dead, then why are we still in Iraq? we did not find any weapons of m destruction?

We removed Saddam Hussein from power instantly, Bush and Cheney said we were only going into Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and look for weapons of m destruction which did not exist. Do Bush, Cheney, and McCain want the war to continue because they are stubborn and they refuse to admit the war was a mistake? They do not want to U.S. to come home in defeat like Vietnam? do they want the U.S. to be victorious in every single war?

There are no limits?

when i think about the universe i dont think limits everything people have done was beyond the limits people can manipulate alot of things to get a better result then what is narutal so when einstein says nothing can go faster then light i say nothing that we have right now can go fast. once we have a dicens sphear then things will go alot fast population will explode space travel will happen daily and mankind will inhabit multiple galaxys. with a bigger population there will be a better chance of inventions furthering space exploration. this is a great vision but not one that i expect to see in my life time. any one have a different vision of the future?

My super y alter ego and me?

Usually I'm a really shy, introverted, low-self esteem guy, who wears a serious loathsome "woe is me" face everywhere I go so I wanted to change myself. Specifically I want to get this girl to like me. I'm in my senior year now. One day I was combing my hair after a shower back to its normal and usual style, but after drying off with a towel, I discovered a new look, one that seem to have changed my entire appearance somehow. So I tried experimenting with it a bit, and changed my facial expression from LSE with gles to y grin with cooler looking eyes without gles. So I wore that hairstyle to school the next day and through the course of the week, I've been getting a lot more attention from more girls at school which raised my confidence, which ultimately changed me into to a person with more self-esteem and gave me courage to be able to engage in a normal conversation with other people, which I was never able to do before. Well I have finally got the attention of a girl I like and we became friends over the week. Problem is every time I look in the mirror, I think it is someone else and begin envying and even hating my super y alter ego, thinking that he's insulting me and trying to make me the inferior! Other times, I would go gay for what I see in the mirror like those guys who spend hours staring at themselves. Then the next week, I decided to revert back to my original hairstyle seeing as how I was becoming more envious and hateful of my super y alter ego, but without it, I somehow reverted back to my old self. People still talk to me like when I was in my alter ego form, but now I can't interact with others like I use to. What do I do with my old self? Throw it away? The old me had no place in this world anyways...I feel like I'm throwing away a piece of myself and letting some jerk *** punk take over my life, but it is for the best right? Should I stay in my alter ego form forever? What do I do?

Could my school "punish" me for this...?

WTF!? you should be hanging out with your friends and having fun instead of doing youtube videos of why you hate your school. Even if you make your videos how the hell are the people who see them going to make your school stop doing what you want them to stop doing. You shouldnt even care your just a kid.

Can anybody tell me what the song ALONE I BREAK BY KORN means its for school?

It's about how their lead singer and songwriter (Jonathon Davis) is breaking down and depressed, and how he thinks that he's not tough because of it. He thinks men are supposed to be able to take these things, be a man, so he wonders to himself "Does this make me not a man?" He's trying to leave his hurt and his feelings behind. It's basically all in the faith of that.

What exercises should I do?

can you walk and do sit ups? i don't mean to sound like a jerk but that will help walking will lose weight everywhere and sit ups will build the abs

Ransomeware malware attack on new system?

I friend of mine called me today, saying he was locked out of a brand new system that he had purchased. I asked him what was displayed on the lockout screen and he replied that it was a red screen, specifying various information and asked for a pword. Also on the screen a phone number was displayed, the user was told to call the number to receive the pword. The phone number on the screen was the same as the place in which they purchased the computer from. After a little bit of research I discovered that this fits the description of the malware ransomeware. Presumably, if my friend phoned the number a patient on the other end would demand cash in exchange for the pword. My friend has no intentions of even calling the phone number. I recommend he attempt to reformat his operating system, but it turns out one didn't even come with the system. The ransomeware was obviously placed their by the store in which he purchased the system. I would like to emphasize that this is a NEW system, it was not previously used. Is this reportable to the police? Should he phone that number?

I'm Nervous He's Mad at Me for Friday Night + Today?

You still have plenty of time to get to know each other, so don't give up on him yet. Also sometimes opposites attract. It can be fun when someone different from you can show you new things and experiences. It does sound like you both have fun together, and it's obvious that you both like movies, so at least there is some common ground there. Just give the relationship some time and see how things go later on. He sounds like a nice guy, give him a chance. Good luck!

Seriously? I thought the world was more liberated than that....?

Having just read the question on cheating and 3sums, I have to ask are people that opposed to 3sums?

Different People, Different Paths to God[s]. by Grace Li.?

I agree that their are many different paths to God. Rather it be Akhenaton, Moses, Thoth, Pocal Votan, Gutamn Buddha many shamans who spread enlightenment of who they beleived in. But one thing never changes and that is when a person begins to fight and argue over their god based on their self minded Religion it is hard to agree with any when they are all accusing one another of unbelief. Enlightenment is not Religion. Enlightenment is Spirituality.

What is the name of the violin music in the movie trailer, "Bruno"?

i was watching the new movie trailer, Bruno and i heard the violin in the background and was wondering what it was called.

What did Paul know about Jesus?

Hmmm. . . Well, they didn't have ss#'s then . . . So that leaves out identy theft . . . And cell phones weren't constructed . . . So that leaves out his phone number . . . I'll quess: hair and eye color? Maybe height, and weight . . . lol (jk) :-D

Who really won the Vietnam War? The U.S. or North Vietnam?

Technically nobody won we just screwed up that country an left. But in terms of casualties and events in the war the U.S. did

My battery operated wall clock has an hour hand that is not moving nor stuck. It seems to have just come loos?

It seems to have come loose and just hangs. The pendulum is working and the minute hand is operating. How can I fix the hour hand. There is no gl but I'm a little nervous about moving it until I know exactly what to do. Thank you.

Where can i download korean songs?

i've used limewire and ares and they only give me the very popular songs like full house OST's and rainboa etc, . are there downloading software like limewire but for korean things? i also down have a korean residence ID so i cant get things like clubbox etc.

Does he like me? - boys please answer?

Long term relationships never work! He deffo likes you... so get in there!! Talk to HIM moree.. flirt, look into his eyes. Wont be long beofre he breaks it with his gf and asks you out! Good luck ♥

Why do people say I'm pretty when I know I'm not?

Okay so like I was at my friends house and my friend's house with like 9 other friends and me and my friend Mandy were alone in the dining room and I think I was fidgeting with my fingers and then shes like''you're really pretty jenny''(and no shes not bi)and I'm like''please Mandy,your pretty'',and its wierd because I know I'm not pretty,but mandy never lies ,so what is it? and also at the same afternoon my friend christie is all like''you have such a nice body''but i dont and today my aunt carmen was talking to my grandma while I was washing my hands in the restroom and I overheard her saying''you know jenny is really pretty''and yeah shes family but still?are they crazy or what?

Were you ever a fan of Goldberg?

No, I wasn't a fan of Goldberg. Some clify him as a "good wrestler", which is complete, pure and utter BS, in my opinion. His win streak in WCW was just extremely far fetched and un-entertaining. I can't believe someone would have such ignorance, as to say that Goldberg is one of the best wrestlers of all-time. Sure, you can be a fan, but you must know, GOLDBERG could NOT WRESTLE.

Can anybody help with this physics problem?

The range of a projectile depends not only on v sub0 and θ sub0 but also on the value g of the free-fall acceleration, which varies from place to place. In 1936, Jesse Owens established a world's running broad jump record of 8.09 m at the Olympic Games at Berlin (where g = 9.8128 m/s2). uming the same values of v sub0 and θ sub0, by how much would his record (in cm) have differed if he had competed instead in 1956 at Melbourne (where g = 9.7999 m/s2)?

Do a lot of girls worry guys just want ?

i really like this girl, thought i was falling in love. we talked abt hooking up ually, but never did. i broke up with her bc she kept pushing me away and it sucked. i told her i'll always be her friend. she said she was cynical about my motives and that it's somethimg she is working on. im a genuinely very nice person and i like to make others happy bc thats whe kind of person i want to be. we talked yesterday and she told me she really likes me but she was skeptical abt me bc i am "sooo nice" and she didnt know if she cld trust that. is it normal for girls shld be wary of guys? i am trying to just be her friend for a while until i earn her trust.

Are my parents cruel for forcing me to be born against my will and then refusing to support me in adulthood?

Wow...a lot of flowery words that basically whine about everything. You sound like an educated 3 year old.

Hello now i concived by 1month,shall i drink any soft drinks like coke,pepsai,seven up,can anyone answer my qu?

seven up is the only drink you can have cause it doesn't have caffeine. Or you can have decaffeinated coke but I would stay away from aspartame as well.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I can't seem to locate Amanda Hocking's Third book Ascend for purchase?

I can't seem to locate Amanda Hocking's Third book Ascend for purchase? I have looked every where! I can't seem to find it! I have checked Amazon.com, Borders, and Barnes and Noble! I've even given Google a chance but, i can't seem to find an online store that sells this book. In fact! I haven't found evidence that suggests that this book actually exists! I've check with the author's homepage and she said, 'Releasing January 2011!' But there are no pre-orders listing for the book at all. What's going on? I've tried researching evidence to see if the book was pushed back a couple of weeks but, no such luck. Any ideas to this? Would greatly appreciate learning what happened to Ascend.

The Most Evil Animal to have Graced the Land.?

What's really funny is that my hubby and I are watching "Soldier" with Kurt Russel right now.

Are you a very INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person, then if you want 10 points, answer this question ?

she will respond negatively.What you need to do after that is get out of your past,it's holding up your future.You don't have to hate,you don't have to really do anything.She is in another state.Just get on with your life.No need for a "last talk"Just go on.If not now,one day you will realize this is good advice

Does this question seem silly or obsessed?

On Ebay I bought a Nintendo DS Lite... I bought it o Saturday or Sunday and now it's Wendsday.. When should it be here? I reallly really want it to b here so bad! It didn't come today! when should i get it? i am from pierre SD and the Nintendo came from Keystond SD...

How do I lose the recommended weight (baby belly) as suggested by my doctor?

Just been to the doctor about my stomach as I had a baby 7 months ago and he said I had to lose 20 kgs! I'm 168cm and 80kgs now, how can I do this?!

Have Sarah Palin and Mark Sanford damaged the GOP brand?

On the contrary, both Sarah Palin and Mark Sanford bring positive aspects to a potential GOP ticket. Sarah can see the coastline of Russia from her backyard. Sanford has been to Argentina. So, they both have Foreign Policy experience, which is essential for any national ticket!

Film and an interesting outcome.?

He arrests the DUI person. Then the DUI person suddenly wakes up in a hospital room and realizes that he was in a car accident that killed his friends and was only wishing he would have been arrested instead.

Was push-on 4wd an option or standard on 92-96 Bronco's?

I found one for sale with the transfer case shifter on the floor but thought they were all push on? Whats the truth?

Are hydroxide and nitrate radicals? (Science - Chemistry)?

I was just wondering if compounds such as hydroxide, nitrate, carbonate, sulphate and phosphate are radicals?

How challenging is Chopin's Prelude in C# Minor, Op. 45?

As far as physical technical difficulty it's not that much harder than the Rach C# prelude, but as far as phrasing and melodic line it is a tough little piece. But if you practice carefully I think you can nail it. Pay careful attention to all the accidentals and make sure you're bringing out the notes that need to be brought out (your teacher will help with that). Good luck!

What are advantages to Affirmative Action?

There are none. The country will not be free of racism until groups are not given favored treatment; favored treatment promotes hatred and racism. People need to be respected for what they do and achieve as individuals.

Is having a monarchy still necessary in Canada?

I'm doing homework right now...Since the queen and the governer-general have little power these days,do you think it is still necessary?Or should it be kept because it's tradition? What do you think?

Question about uploading pictures on Facebook?

its the same for me, maybe its just a little glitch and it will be fixed soon we will just have to wait and see

Any1 hav an old junked car they want to sell?

i dont hav alot of money but if u dont want the car any more plz answer or email me the models iwant are camaros,mustangs,chevelles or challengers is u hav any1 of these plz contact me

Considered Pregnancy or infatuated ?

Have you taken a test? If your period was due around the first of the month, you should have tested positive by now.

Kitchen fitters cheap very good uk?

i am looking to get a new kitchen. after nearly been scamed by kitchenssimply.co.uk i would like to know if anyone knows og good kitchen fitting companys that are not to expensive but reliable.. thanks alot..!!!

I am in europe now a days.my some friends told me if u get permanent id card in europe purtagal u ive 6 to 7?

months there and pay tex u can get a card and then u can travel on this card and after 5 years u can get pport of purtagal.tell me some about this.

What are the table minimums at mohegan sun on weekends for blackjack?

It depends on how busy it is, but you can sometimes find some $10 tables if you don't mind waiting for a seat.

What is a woobie or a goobie?

LOL! This morning my dad called me a woobie and the an hour later he called me a goobie! i wnat to know what the heck he is calling me!! please some one help me. Include any funny (not rude) comments i could say back to him

Why let perverts go free?????

It grieves me the injustice of the above case and the leniency of the sentence. Even the mans sister said he should have being locked up. As to the death penalty he as given a life sentence to all h is victims, the least he deserves his to forfeit his own.

WOMEN, why do you always wish for a 'good guy' as a partner????????? *repost*?

Why do you believe, or suggest, that ALL women are the same? Not all women do that. You are way off.

I bought four quick picks for the Super Lotto!?

In spite of people telling you that any individual number has an equal chance of being drawn you will never see 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 in a row in your life time when you are trying to pick several numbers from the same pool of numbers. This is because there tends to be a BALANCE TO RANDOMNESS when multiple numbers are being picked from a pool of numbers. If all you are trying to pick is one number out of 53 than yes, each individual one number has an equal chance of being chosen. This all changes when you are trying to pick multiple random numbers out of the same pool of numbers. Out of, say, a pool of 53 numbers, you will see numbers somewhat spread out from 1 to 53 within the range of the numbers of the particular Lotto you are playing. The major Lotto games have you choose five numbers with a separate mega number. This being so, your 5 numbers should add up to around 150 to 165. Add up the last 100 lotto results and see what the average totals are. Pick your numbers to add up within that range. As your mega number use the number that is the most frequently one picked from the stats given on the lotto website. For the California Mega Lotto it is #36. Or just use any mega number as this is the case where any one number is just as likely to be drawn as any other number. Also, just bet $1 as this is just as lucky as betting $10. In reality, the lotto is one of the worst bets you can make. But, someone has to win and why can’t it be you. Good Luck.

Can caernarfon pubwatch scheme try,convict and exclude anyone without trial?

I have been banned from all pubs in Caernarfon for no reason.I received a letter through th post telling me so and giving no reason,there was not even an address that I can reply to.Even a common criminal has a right to trial and to offer a defence.This kangaroo court is conducted in complete secracy and there is no appeal allowed.I beleive that this is in breach of the European human rights law.Can you advise please?...Howard Middleton

Can corruption and influence disturbed Indian judicial quality?

since last 2 decay quality is not maintained due to corruption and influence, suggest ideas to control and improve the quality.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why do I get like this for when I know better than most?

I get these feelings about men I don't know, yet they run away. Trouble is I know better than most how guys work and what women need, men don't. Men like to chase, but woe betide a lady chasing no that scares men. why do men not accept that a woman could chase too? Why do men hurt women and get away with it?

Ring worm on horses?

I have a yearling that has ring worm, i called the vet and asked them what would be best and they said anything iodine based. But it doesn't seem to be working i keep finding new spots on her. Can anyone please help me. I really want to get rid of it...

How do I place these in ascending order 21, -8, 7, -4, 13, 1, 14 ?

draw a long line on graph paper - horizontal basically... draw a zero at the liddle, count out squares in each direction to be 1 2 3 4 5 going right amd -1 -2 -3 -4 the minueses going to the left side... then try to place earch number on the Number Line you have maide and read off the order when all are done.

My education plan???? advice/suggestions/comments please?

I starting at community college then transfering to an instate 2nd tier University of PITT. While at CC i plan on maintaining a high GPA, learning french/russian and trying to get into the Phi Tetta Kappa chapter. When i transfer i will double major in either computer science/economics or Comp Sci/ Finance im not sure yet? I also will be earning an international business certificate and do an international internship in finance. At PITT i will be involved in the trading club, parkour club, investment banking club, finance club, and international business club. I am praying to get into the Delta Sigma honors business society. I come from Russia so i want to study aborad/intern in Moscow. When i finish my degree i will want to go to chicago and do a little bit of prop trading then go to an ivy league for my MSF like Carnegie. Then back to trading my way to alot of money. I want to eventually move to Russia and open a hedge fund.

4 yr old crying while asleep what does it mean?

We were just in a car accident in my causin's van about 4 days ago. My daughter along with my other two kids and my causin's 2 daughters we are all fine thank God. For the past 4 nights my 4 yr old has been crying in her sleep through out the night and early mornings. I don't wake her up because I am afraid she will freak out. What does this mean. When I spoke to her dad on the phone just a few minutes ago? He is a local truck driver, and she told me to tell him "Tell him Not to crash like my aunt Veronica?" What can I do?

Help with internet technical question?

Need an answer for a school crossword puzzle: What regulates traffic on the internet? 6 letters, 4th letter is T

What wii games / wii accessories will suit me ?

play resident evil 4 it was for the gamecube best nintendo game ever. The 5th one is coming out soon.

This is a question about the death penalty. Some say that the death penalty devalues human life by the state?

I can't wait to see how many "pro lifers" answer this in defense of the death penalty. Their inconsistency is a hoot.

I can't remember the anime's name?

i was watching a anime and it was "The Chronicles of" and then i forget the last two words of the anime and when i look it up all that comes up is the Chronicles of Narnia.i remember the second last word of the title is the fist name of the main girl and the last word the her second name.the show is about a girl who believes in witchs,time-travellers and espers.

Help in chemistry please!!!?

500 mL of a 0.300 mol/L sodium sulfide solution is mixed with excess copper (I) chloride. CuCl, solution. Calculate the m of the precipitate that forms. Thanks :)

Where can I find the tabs for this?

On the Woodstock album, theres a bit at the beginning of Richie Havens 'Freedom' song, he's just jamming a think, getting warmed up, but I love the chords, they're really lovely..i havent really tried working them out, but is there anyone who knows what they are..thanx

Does the truth of your kind of love make you at peace with the Antichrist who deny Christ came in the flesh?

yes because Christ come to live his life in and through us today all we do is abide in him and his word (bible) and we are lead into all truth. he is the vine we are the branch and the life of the branch is in the vine, with out Jesus we can do nothing.

Karaoke with friends?

I might be a little embarred but I would get over it. If he is going to let that come between your friendship forever then you have to wonder if he is a true friend or not. Maybe he just needs time to get over it...I love karaoke btw.

Are these fish ok in a 85L tank? (22.5 gallon)?

I would suggest getting rid of one or two of the Gouramis for they are best kept in pairs and are mildly territorial and love free open space. But in doing this, you could also add one or two more Three Lined Cories.

Poll: Do you Agree or disagree?

I don't know if I should agree or disagree because you have 2 views on it. You describe how they are different, yet you say they are the same. So Im just going to say that those are all stereotypes. My friend is a cheerleader, and she isn't mean. Not everyone gets abused. And not all geeks feel alone. Most are very happy with what they do.

My hot water is not working i have a back boiler?

i have a back boiler and my hot water is not workin and the radiator furthest away from the tank isnt working what could this be a plumber came to change the pump last week because my hot water and c.h wasnt working c.h works naw apart from the last rad and hot wter dosent work

Nintendo conspiracies? ?

because they thought, if they did, then you wouldn't ask this question, so they didn't so you could ask.

Are people on Yahoo Answers smarter?

We constantly learn new things from reading others' answers and we reinforce what we know when we answer a question. So does that make Y!A educational?

Free makeup & shoes for free?

does anyone know a website where you could get free makeup samples that reliable or a website that is reliable that sells urban decay, mac, and dior for cheep or ugg shoes if you know any that are real please post the lnk !

Has anyone ever had very bad indigestion with eating a high fiber diet?

I decided at the beginning of this year to begin taking care of myself as much as possible.I've cut out all refined sugars,fried foods and fast foods,basically anything that isn't good for you,I don't eat it.The problem I've been having is since I've introduced nothing but healthy things,especially fiber rich foods,every night I have terrible heartburn and indigestion,with occasional nausea upon rising.Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this and if it will eventually subside after my body adjusts to this.Thanks to all of you in advance.

Sharp pan in the middle of back?

fells like maybe i have a cold back there like a chest cold but i feel fine. no idea what ti is. started yesterday. maybe i sat wrong or slept wrong? i knwo i have bad posture. trapped gas?

At what age should i look at college?

It's never too soon to start thinking about college. I had the same plan at your age - studying astronomy at a top school. And a few years later I learned that an astronomy major doesn't prepare you for grad school in astronomy and there aren't any jobs in astronomy if you don't have a PhD, so you really need a bachelors in physics instead (and often a PhD in physics as well). And then I found out that no matter how good your grades are and what impressive things you've done, there's still only a very tiny chance of getting into those schools, so I picked a liberal arts school that I loved instead, and still went on to grad school, finishing a PhD now, and I've got a job lined up at a top institution. So it's fine to dream, but eventually you might have to be a bit more realistic - and that's OK, because you can still do well at schools you hadn't considered or even heard of at your age.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Calculus problems, help please?

In evaluating dy/dx my equation reduces to (-csc(pi/4)cot(pi/4))/(-sin(pi/4)) how would i simplify the csc of pi/4? is there a way i can plug this into my calculator?

Describe your most romantic meal?

McDonalds > eating a Sundae with 2 Spoons, Sharing a coke-a-cola clic using 2 straws, and Nibbling on a McDonald French Fry together, using no hands!

A baby name question?

Husband and I have newborn twins Felix James and Dominick Kenneth.. they are both named after family members but now we are stuck when considering a sibling set. We would like two more kids (God willing a boy and a girl or two girls). We are Sicilian and so we would like something clic and perhaps ethnic. The girls names I like right now are Jane, Norah and Francesca (Frankie for short) and boys I like Vincent and Dexter (I think Dexter would fit very well but the show has kind of ruined it lol) I just wanted to know if anyone else had any other options.. I am not a fan of made up names or funny spellings.. Just looking for some opinions.. Thanks so much!

Should I give my boyfriend a gift for birthday even though he didn't give me one for my bd?

We are together for almost 3 years, he is very affectionate but he couldn't take me on a trip on my birthday (which was his initial present) and he didn't get me any gifts after. Should I give him one on his birthday after all this? The truth is that he hurt me so much... because he didn't do anything romantic for that day he was just saying happy birthday all day... and kept on asking should I take you out to dinner, should I buy you roses, should I buy you ice-cream ... And since I was so offended I just kept saying no to every question. Please help!

Name three other solvents that would and would not work in this reaction. Explain why each works or doesn't?

any non polar solvent can be used in grignard synthesis-Benzene,chloroform,CCl4,etc.Th… important point is to ensure that there is no water/moisture present while synthesising.

Genetics- Question about map units?

Well since map units are believed to be proportional to the percent of recombination you can say that the % for recombination is 25% but it's hard to say for the %population. To be able to calculate the map units, you need the number in the population of the parental genotypes (non-crossing over the most abundant in the population), the single cross overs, and the double cross overs. I really don't know the answer (we just took this up in cl the other week). Your question is the reverse of the usual method and we weren't taught this yet. Hope this helps.

I Love The Disney Movies?

I LOVED Camp Rock, I also liked The Thirteenth Year, and Marry Poppins. These were really hard to choose considering some of the pther clics. but i love these ones.

When do people put there christmas decorations up?

Usually anytime after Thanksgiving.Even in the stores they start putting out decorations and christmas ornaments just after Thanksgiving.It really depends on how you feel about it.Shops like where you live do that to generate interest in buyers spending money.That is why Black Friday started.It is the first day after Thanksgiving.Some stores like toy stores do that.Grocery stores display for Thanksgiving to promote buying during that holiday to sell turkeys and all the trimmings for the holiday.It also depends on the tradition you are celebrating for it.Originally the tradition started as a pagan festival known as Yule.That is where the tree comes in.The lights were originally candles.People eventually changed that when it was considered dangerous and a fire hazard so they went to electric lights.The Santa that you see today was complements of an artist by the name of Thomas Nast.Originally he was a man that went around to underprivileged kids in his village giving them toys and candy.He later was made a saint by the name of Saint Nickolaus.Thomas Moore wrote a story that was added to the history of the holiday.The night before christmas.Charles ens did one also...A christmas carol.But the main thing to consider on most acinical minds is that the celebration of christmas is the birthday of the lord and savior.Some of whom believe that he was not born in December but in November.But in any event I would say anytime between now and December the 25 would be acceptable for putting up decorations.

Per favore dite a mia madre che faccio il pubblicitario lei pensa che sono un pierre e che quindi regalo.....?

...manciate di free entry e consumazioni gratis a chi mi pare, rido coi vips, i calciatori le veline e le giornaliste, leggo Novella e mi fotografano i paparazzi, entro neI priv� saltando la coda, bevo senza pagare, sono ghiotto di tartine e gin tonic, ho la casa piena di oggetti di design, conosco Paris Hilton, Tom Ford ed Emilio. This is the longest book title in the world. it is italian and i would like to know what this means in English. Could someone please do a translation for me.

How can I make my cat happy again?

My cat is really depressed because we got rid of his favourite sleep spot. Our boiler was super old but my cat loved it because we let him lie on it and it was really warm. It broke and so we ripped it out and got a new one but in a cupboard upstairs (which unsurprisingly he can't lie on) and now whenever he comes in he goes over to the big gap and looks at it all depressed. He wanders around the house meowing and moping and sleeping. He seems really unhappy and I don't know what to do because obviously we can't get the boiler back again!

Is it true McCain finished fifth from last in his cl?

Lets see Obama graduated with honors. Does McCain's experience trumps Obama's intellect? I know a lot of fools with experience. I also know a lot of educated fools. Which one is the worst in your opinion? Logically lets say Obama is not an educated fool and John McCain not a fool with experience. Which one would you vote for based on just two criteriors superior intellect or experience?

Are there any psychedelics that don't go down the spinal cord?

Out of curiousity. I'm an adult, not looking to abuse. I know LSD,psilocybin,dmt. Any that don't affect the spine?

Why is it called pandering when Democrats make promises to get votes?

What do you call it when Rudy says he will point strict constructionist judges? Or when he says that the confederate flag is okay while campaigning in South Carolina? How is this not pandering?

Is there an easy way to tell what order the outlets on an electrical circuit are in?

Our house has three electrical circuits for the entire basement (originally unfinished). As the previous owners and we have finished parts of the basement, one of these circuits has had too many outlets & fixtures put on it (three computers, a space heater, various lights). Another circuit has only two outlets on it, which are seldom used at all. I would like to take about half the outlets/fixtures on the first circuit and put them on the second (that would make the load on each reasonable). To do this, wouldn’t I have to know which outlet/circuit comes first, second, third, etc., on each circuit, so I know where I can interrupt it and connect it back to the breaker box? I do have a circuit map which shows everything on each circuit — how can I figure out the flow from one outlet to the next without being able to physically trace the wires, which are (obviously) behind the walls? Do I just have to (turn power off first, of course) disconnect the wires at one outlet/fixture, then turn

Please solve this mathematic ques for me.....?

the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 3*(root 10) . if the smaller leg is tripled and longer leg is doubled , new hypotenuse will be 9*(root5).how long are legs of the triangle..??

Should the U.S. be brought before war-crimes tribunal for WWII?

I am an american living abroad in japan. Sometimes when me and my japanese friends get drunk we talk about WW2. It use to be a little uncomfortable for each of us but we highly respect each others opinions in intelligent debate. My friend thinks that the U.S. should be brought to a war-crimes tribunal for the dropping of the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I brought up Pearl Harbor of course and she said that the Japanese attacked a military installation, not a city populated with plain ol civilians. I said it was a sneak attack. She says that the U.S. knew it was going to happen and wanted a prelude to test its bombs and to get into the war. From there I have read some books from www.disinfo.com and I am starting to have a different opinion about WWII but I feel guilty because for years I was taught that things occurred a totally different way. Your take?

CAD/CAM HELP!!!! i'll give out 10 points 4 best answer hurry?

It quick, easy and neat as you dont have to hand sew it. bad points- machine can break, i find thread snaps alot.

Why must people reinforce negative stereotypes about baby girls?

It goes both ways. I always hear "Boys are SO rambunctious" or "You're really going to have your hands full when he's older!". I don't think it has anything to do with disappointment, it's just life.

Obmaba vacation now vinyard?

is he in marthas vinyard? do he eat all the gs? do they have good watermelons? do they make g soda from all the gs?

Uggs but not?

ok i really want uggs for the winter cause they are so warm and wat not but i dont want to pay the price for real uggs lk my friends payed 250 which i dont have anywhere close to that just fot shoes so can u send me some links to placesor just tell me stores that have cute ugg lk boots not lk the quilted ones tho lk ones with fur thnxs so much for the help :)

Let A= [−5e^3t −2e^4t −4e^3t −5e^4t] (2x2 matrix)?

Hi, Can someone please help me with this question, I need to find the det, matrix of cofactors, the adjoint matrix, and the inverse

Should I make this trade??

No. It doesn't make your team any better. Morris is a TD hawk, but I would never start him over any of your other 3 RB's and Edwards is too hot an cold.

How is my custom computer rig looking?

i think you should go with a 750 W psu minimum to be safe.. a card like that is a total power hog, and a 3-core processor is pretty intense too. Im no computer whiz, but no one wants their new system to fizzle out, jolt the components and possibly fry a circuit. The card is great for the games if you don't mind the cost. your looking at an fps of 50+ on cod games. depending on what os youre getting, the ram is still in question, but i would recomend 8 gb for vista. ive seen no problems, and it gives me plenty of leeway. Have fun!

How to impress an casting director if you havent had any experience?

I am trying out for a show on cw and i am very nervous what are some ways to impress the casting director and what are the do's and dont's for trying out

What to do about the farts?

Until recently i was too "shy" to fart around my significant other. but now i do it all the time. in his face, under the sheets then cover his head to gas him, while we drive, in the shower, etc. now he says im nasty and tries to out fart me. should i tell him i thought he would enjoy it since my lover enjoys it? or might he get jealous that i have been farting it up with his brother?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Help! Does he like mee?

There is this guy i have known for about 2 years now and i really like him and he keeps sending me signals but im not sure what they are supposed to mean. He eats lunch with me instead of his friends, he helps me with homework, i catch him staring at me a lot (we make a lot of eye contact), he is very protective of me, he plays with my hair, he helps me carry my books, we talk to each other A LOT, he stands at my locker and waits for me, he walks me to cl, he always stands close to me and hoovers over me like he if keeping me safe so i dont get hurt and there is ALOT more but i just cant remember i just want to know what he is trying to say.

Can someone photoshop a picture for me?

Need someone to photoshop a couple of pics for me...may reward you with an itunes card if job is really nice. I need a picture of my wife, to be photoshopped to my specifications, ill email you the pics. email me if you can do this for me. Note: i need someone who can really now how to do this, and are pretty good with this kind of stuff. email me at: oj.rivers@yahoo.com

Wintec leathers and what model is this saddle?

Just bought my first wintec! I never really liked them but this one was so cheap and SO light! I don't know what model it is, I bartered for it with an antique dealer and they didn't know either. It's a black english saddle and its completely suede. Unfortunatly no leathers, is there a certain kind I can use with it? I feel like leather on black would look weird. Also can anyone tell me what model it is or some way I can tell? Thanks in advance!

Could someone put this into basic details for me, like what is it basically trying to say?

It seems to be self explanatory to me.If you shorten things up your going to lose info.If you don't understand part of it then call them and ask them.

CCleaner... is it worth it?

Most free program used. It is safe. Has backup program for you to make copy of what you fix in the registry. I use it. @

Songs to sing for an idol?

my daughter jennifer is a 11 year old beginner singer there is an idol in her area and she wanted me to ask if you had any ideas for what to sing if she gets in the final show she would sing anything that make her sound good . shes really in the middle but mostly an altohe can not repeat any song selections from previous Yonkers Idol Shows. Over the Rainbow”, ”ABC”, “Memories ”,“In My Own Little Corner” ,“Listen” ,“I Will Always Love You”,“ Power of Love”, “A New Day”, “Please Don’t Stop The Music”,“ Get the Party Started” ,“Circus”, “Just Stand Up” ,“You Give Good Love”, “I Believe I can Fly”, “I Will Be”, “The Voice”, “The Climb”, “I heard it through the Gvine”, “No One”, “Hurt”, “I Love Rock n Roll”, “Alicia Keys the Empire State Part 2”, “Bon Jovi We weren’t born to follow”.the Application is due march 5th

I am going to north carolina I NEED OUTFITS!!!i AM ALSO GOING TO THE BEACH !!HELP!!?

okay so i am leavin in a week to go to north carolina what should i wear/include pj ,bathing suits,shopping outfit ,lounge,and work out make me 13 and if you do more i gurentee you'll be best answer make them stylish

Did Luther's "sola scriptura" idea allow Evangelical Lutherans to trash Christian ual morality?

"Sola scriptura" is Latin for "the Bible means anything I want it to mean." Is that how Evangelical Lutherans canceled the idea that ity is a deadly sin and okayed practicing uals to be Lutheran pastors?

I have tried several web sites to print out a simple budget. Can you help?

I just want a worksheet that I can print and fill out. I can't seem to get a simple printable budget. Can you suggest a web site for me please? Thanks.

Does this sound like a yummy seafood meal?

If you mean battered and deep fried oysters and you're going to serve Hollandaise over the asparagus then........YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone have any information on becoming an Imagery Technician in the Canadian Forces?

I'm 17 years old, graduating high school this weekend actually and I've been seriously considering joining the Canadian Forces. After thoroughly researching several professions within the Forces, my eye really caught the Imagery Tech job. There isn't a lot of info on the www,forces.ca website regarding academic prerequisites or anything so I was wondering, if anyone had any info at all, would you mind sharing? Thanks so much!!

Science Homework Question?(FIFTH GRADE!)?

It would have been much easier to fill in the blanks than to type in the question... Makes me think of an employee that works harder trying to get out of work than it would be to just do the job..

I am going to Bangkok with my wife and friends later this year and would like to know what the city is like, p

4 leisure? no worry abt the excitment there! enjoy shopping, food, hugh malls, excellent spa all over Bangkok. i've been there 4 over 15 times. we HKnese flew to BKK like just going home. lovely htls, cheap deals, evening markets. the only problem i can c is only taffic jam all the time. so we prefer to take their skytrain.

Help with projectile motion please?

A particle is at an elevation of 1.02m from the floor when it takes off. It reaches a max height of 1.85m above the floor and stops at .930m above the floor. How do you find the time of flight, the take off angle, the initial vertical and horizontal velocity?

Who do I start in the Flex? Greene or Lynch?

i would go with Greene because even though he and LT share the carries Denver is a better matchup and Chicago will kill the run and Lynch wont do to good

What Ever Happened to the Old Cleveland Browns?

Like, of course we all know the franchise branched off into the ravens, yada yada yada... but I mean, what ever happened to that mentality they used to have? That mentality that they used to have before rivalry games, excited to play and proud of Ohio football and what city stood for? ...There aren't even any footprints left from the great Paul Brown. It's saddening.

Traditional pastry or shortbread crust for a lemon tart? What works best and tastes best in your opinion?

I would go with the shortbread. I make a key lime tart. I have made a pastry crust and graham crust and a short bread crust. The sweet richness of shortbread seemed to compliment it best.

I am traveling to Asia in August and was wondering what the best and easiest way to get to my money is?

I am travelling to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, Loas, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Celiac disease and favourites!!?

ive been recently diagnosed with celiac disease but was wandering if i could still drink skinny cow hot cholcolate and baileys???? anyone have any ideas if so what otehr brand chocloates can i have. also what about advent calenders!!! any help would be greatly appreciated =0)

Weight Loss Help, for someone who is not that fat? ?

Give Callanetics a try. It's a super effective program for toning and dropping inches, even if you're already relatively thin. The ab exercises are especially great, as it trains the deep core muscles and works somewhat like an internal corset, pulling your waist in. Don't be surprised if you don't lose any actual kilos/pounds, as you'll also add some muscle. But muscle is y and you'll definitely become smaller.

No period for seven months and not ually active?

I'm fourtteen, and I know it's normal to have irregular cycles at this age, but seven months?! Every once in a while I get period symptoms (cramps, moodiness, headaches etc) at the most unpredictable times, but with no period. I am NOT ually active, at all!! I know my mom had something wrong with that, and had to get operations, but I'm not sure if it's hereditary or what. Yesterday I got a tiny bit of blood, but nothing else, and that's happened before. I've had my period since I was 12, and I didn't have it regular but it was more normal than THIS! What's wrong with me?!

Asians are the most populous race on the face of earth yet there aren't any Asian MALE stars on TV in America?

People will try to comfort you by saying it's just demographics but that's pretty fallacious. Asians make the majority in plenty of universities and are overrepresented in sciences. If they can dominate that why can't they dominate hollywood? Asians simply lack the talent/creativity ociated with this.

Help?!!! ADVICE NEEDED ! :)?

My name is Paula. I'm 20 years old, im 5ft 3ft and 120 lbs. I have a slight problem. I have like a small belly that i want to get rid of. It makes me look like im somewat pregnant, And I dont want that. How would i be able to get rid of it. I was thinking i could to like sit ups to get rid of it. Please I need some advice guys! Anything is appericated :)

3 month old puppy refuses to eat her food?

Dogs are not humans and do not grow tired of the same food. Consider instead that the food is low quality, or that there is a health problem.

Is there hope for a happy marriage AFTER becoming a single mother?

Of course there's hope. The stigma of single mums is thankfully decreasing nowadays. When I was dating the fact that a girl had kid(s) was never ever a deal breaker. Some people can be so ignorant and dense, please ignore this type - they know nothing about you or your situation.

Need Ideas for Hiding a Gift Within a Gift for a Surprise :-) I Need Creative Gift Presentation Ideas, Help!?

I got my fiance a few gifts and wanted some advice on what you guys think would be a good way to present it. I got him a zip up hoodie and these Nascar gift cards to go racing in California. The gift cards have 2 brochures so probably don't wanna bend them and I wanted to maybe somehow make it a surprise inside the sweatshirt but doubt they would fit in the pockets of an XXL sweatshirt...........anyone have any fun creative ideas as I want to make the NASCAR Racing thing seem more like a surprise, like the sweatshirt is the main gift........but then surprise he sees the main one (he's a big Nascar fan). I was thinking if I could fit it in the pocket have him try it on and feel the pockets but don't think it will fit. Anyone have any ideas? Also I was gonna put the shirt in a shirt box and then have the gift cards in there, would that work to pack it? Please help so I can make my hardworking man surprised and happy :-)

How to dress like Angela Weber?

Ok, so we're throwing a Twilight/New Moon party and we can dress up as any character we want. I chose Angela because I already have gles like her. But how to dress? I need clothes ideas. Help? Thanks! =D

We are ttc and this is the 2nd month and am11 days late and negative home pregnancy test?

Im with you im just about 2 weeks late which never happens, and still getting bfns. I have heard of girls taking forever to get a positive, maybe you can get a blood test done at your doctors.

I'm 37 YO married mom of son & daughter. i started wearing dirty clothes.?

You are a complete idiot. You have posted this question about 10 times. Grow up and act like you are 37

You think i buy "ayumi hamasaki asia tour~tour of secret~" or "ayumi hamasaki 2007-2008 countdown live"?

If you have the money and you're a die hard fan of Ayumi,then go for it. But if not,NO!(I am not being bitter,I'm just being practical. I like Ayumi very much)

The Nasa photo of Buzz Aldrins footprint?

"Aldrin's photographs his footprint in the lunar soil. Since there is no weather on the moon, his footprint will remain crisp for millions of years." Geologically, what is worng with this statement?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ok So COLLINGWOOD is the most admired Club?

who really is the club everyone GENUINELY HATES. Listening to talk back radio, callers of all clubs, and those needing a new coach speak of Nathan Buckley in the most positive and glowing manner, praising him as a type of football god, while one North Melb. fan suggested he is the BRADMAN of football. It just gives me the impression that EVERYONE deep down are Collingwood supporters, some possibly never allowed to be as such, during their childhood. More people go to their games, they are talked about more than any other club in the media . If you took COLLINGWOOD 'out' of the AFL to play in a new comp in New Zealand, the heart and soul of the AFL would be destroyed, because no other club pleases or is genuinely respected like COLLINGWOOD, people just dont admit it until they want a part of it, i find it fascinating !

I need help, (marriage question)?

I don't think you necessarily like the guy..you like the attention! It' human nature to be flattered...but let it go!!! You said yourself you have a great husband and I'm sure you don't want to do anything to jeapordize that! You have to look at this with a mature mindset...there will be times in life where you will come into contact with other men be it through work or socially....but you have to yze your own relationship and realize that you're lucky to have what you have and that you are happy! If you're flattered for a moment...smile on the inside and then realize that if a guy that barely knows you finds you flattering...just imagine how your husband must feel about you!! Now doesn't that make you feel y and warm and fuzzy???? It's natural and you're human...but when these thoughts come in your mind...pick up the phone and call your husband...meet him for lunch....get your mind off this guy!

I need a yahoo answers diagnosis?

about 3 weeks ago i started coming on with a bad cough which lasted about 2 and a half weeks, then the cough kind of settled down into a cough one would have ociated with a cold, i also experienced other cold symptoms (weakness, fatigue, aches, head stuffness, headache, sore throat) for about 3-4 days, my sore throat is fairly mild, i've had a lot worse, now my ear all of a sudden got plugged, its been about an hour, and theres minor pain in my ear...i'd believe i got an ear infection but does my past symptoms explain an infection elsewhere that might have spread to my ear? (bronchitis? strep throat?)

What is the perfect weight for a 15 yr old girl?

Im 15 yrs old. 5 and a half feet tall and weight 64 kgs. I know im overweight but exactly how much do i need to lose to look good and fit in any type of clothes. If im on a healthy diet, how much exercise do i need everyday?

How can I deter Badgers?

They are immensely powerful ! You need a chain link fence more than 125cm high and dug down to perhaps 50cm into the ground with a piece at the bottom set at right angles facing outwards from the garden for a distance of about 50cm underground. Gateways and other points of entry need to be secure to stop badgers squeezing through or climbing over and under. It is expensive, but worth it.

How does Santa visit the homes of children who have no fireplaces/chimneys?

We're visiting my father at his apartment for Christmas. My kids are young and won't be questioning the science of Santa anytime soon. But the visit has got me wondering: How does Santa get presents under the trees of kids who live in apartments, or who live in homes without chimneys? Is there a standard and accepted explanation? What do you tell your kids?

BlackJack,Razr V9, phone help.?

do not buy a razor they break really easy, the black berry and blackjack need data plans and you have to be careful to make sure you are disconnected from the internet on your phone if you dont have a data plan, i used to work for att so i know all about these phones, i personallu love the blackberrys.

What do people mean when you 'stress' a vowel?

Or stress in this context? What do you mean by 'putting emphasis' (my bloody english teacher sucked)

Im stuck on this science question??????

Solid crystals of iodine were placed in a flask the top of the flask was covered with aluminum foil. The flask was gently heated. Soon, the flask was filled with a reddish gas. What change of state took place? Explain your answer.

How does saying happy birthday to a guy sound like this?

Tomorrow is a guy's birthday that I like this guy is going to be forty so he's not in high school. The message says, "Happy birthday to a great guy who works hard and has a good heart" I hope your day is blessed with love, hope, and prosperity. I hope you have a great day". Was that too much? I hope that it doesn't freak him out too bad.

Cl2 + H20 -----> Cl- +ClO- + 2H+ URGENT HELP!?

It's an example of Le Chatelier's principle. Adding sodium hydroxide removes the product H+ by the reaction H+ + OH- --> H2O. This moves the equilibrium in the forward direction.

MCR Fans!!!! Bob Bryar is leaving the band!!!!!?

They said a while back that they were changing their sound a little maybe bob couldnt handle the new sound or maybe his wrists bothered him too much and he couldnt play anymore

Are these Ugg Boots real?

I think the quality and the price are the most important for me ,so I has gotten a pair of ugg boots at this online store a href="http://www.china-walmart.com/product/category/Pop-Fashion-UGG-Boots-AAA-0-0-254-1.html?af=4&vjj=1" rel="nofollow"http://www.china-walmart.com/product/cat…/a .Cheap price and really good quality .

Your thoughts on the Ravens draft?

I think we got exactly what we needed, especially considering the Bengals got A.J. Green and we got Jimmy Smith, who has proven he can hang with Green. We picked up speed at WR with Torrey Smith and got an OT, I think the reason they didn't pick up a p rusher is because they still want to give Sergio Kindle a chance. Lastly they picked up a running back so it looks like they'll trade/release Willis Mcgahee, plus Tyrod Taylor who looks alot like a Michael Vick jr. not just by his mobility but his better than average pocket awareness for a running qb, overall I think they get an A-, if they had picked up a linebacker I think this draft would've been an A+.

My irresponsible teenage spending

im 13 and i never get an allowence. every time i get money, i will put some away and give my self a little to spend, then every once in while not to often look back at the money u saved. then if u want to spend that u can. hope that helped!

Really confused about ovulation test! What day was conception?

I started my period May 22nd, and expected to ovulate June 8th. I took an ovulation test on June 7th and my test line was darker than my control line. I retested on the 8th, and I had no test line at all. Does this mean I ovulated on the 7th? My husband and I have 3 boys, so we were trying to do the gender predict method for a girl. We BD'd on the 5th and 6th. I didnt get a positive result until June 26th, though I tested the 21st of June, everyday until the 26th using sensitive tests. I am just trying to figure out if I actually ovulated on the 7th or 8th, and how do I figure out my conception date? Thank you!

Ii likke alot****?

Yes. As it sounds as though you're probably a teenager, this is perfectly normal. Eventually you will reach a stage where you can notice things about her other than her s. This is known as a "relationship"

Theres this guy....?

If you're concerned about an inch of height, you're too immature to be dating. Leave the guy alone and let him find someone who is not so shallow.

1994 prelude Transmission?

I have a type S 1994 honda prelude that is automatic...how much would it cost me to change it to a stick???

Yahoo! having problems....again?!!?

Yeah, that was crazy. I answered a question with over 800 answers! That's gonna be hard to pick a best answer.

Should guys and girls be allowed to play sport events together? ?

Lemme tell you, if a girl played on a sports team with me she'd get so beat up in practices. My buddy in school used to play on an integrated soccer team for Oconnel High, and he used to tell me stories about how they'd gut check the hell outta that girl. Funny stuff.

I am trying to develop a veg garden, the soil has a lot of ash from coal fires in it along with coal.?

how can i prepare the soil so i can start growing veg next year. i have done an acid test and it is reading 5 on the tester i purchased from wilkinsons. all answers will be appreciated thanks. Dale

Borders price guide rolex watch?

I have a Rolex oyster perpetual day-date superlative chronometer officially certified swiss Made on front of watch & inside it has 6m50 Miyota co.japan (Watch) what is it worth ?

Would you have told these children off or not?

No. Children should be taught right from wrong. Throwing things at people is wrong and that type of behavior shouldn't be excused. I definitely believe in strong discipline. I would not only have scolded them for doing that but I would have also made them apologize. I guarantee they wouldn't have done it again. If they cried, it's ok that means they get it, they understand they were wrong. After teaching them that lesson they would be free to return to play as normal.

Does anybody know what this skin condition might be?

I have tiny little blood capillaries that are really close to my skin mainly on my face, tops of my arms, and knees. They are all pretty small, about the size of a freckle. I know is is not anything on top of the skin, but something with my veins. This condition has always made me feel insecure about myself because at a quick glance it appears that I have bad acne. When I press on the skin where the capillaries are, or pull the skin tight, they disappear and then reappear when the skin goes back to normal. I have had this since I was born and I am now 23. I don't think it could affect my health, but since I have never had it diagnosed I guess I really don't know if it could or not! I have been to several dermatologists in the past and none know what it could be. I would like to know if anybody else has this, knows what it is, or know if there is a way to treat it. Any information would help. Also include web sites if possible. I do know that it is not Rosacia.

Can anyone obtain the court transcripts & police witness/evidence reports/records?

If you did not have any standing in the trial, it is unlikely that the court would give you leave to request a transcript. If they did allow you to get a copy, you have to pay the court reporter by the page, and each court varies as to cost.

How many matches have india won from sri lanka in world cups?

since 1996 world cup India has played Srilanka 5 times in a world cup and lost thrice out of des 5 ocions...dunno if b4 1996 world cup der were any clashes between d 2. so 40% win percentage...

Can I play as a reciever in Madden 10?

This has been bugging me. There is a trophy that says "Make 10 user catches with L. Fitzgerald", which is a good one. But how do I become the reciever to run my route? I press B before I snap the ball, and make my hud say L. Fitzgeral, but as soon as I hit X for my QB to snap the ball, I become the QB again. Please help, thankyou!

Been offered this trade...should i take it?

Yes i would do it. It looks like he is giving up on Calvin Johnson. Who is an awesome keeper. I have him in my keeper league. Matt Ryan is as good or better than Romo. And Steven Jackson is on a horrible team and not sure how many more years he has at the top of his game. Johnson will get his points even though he is on a horrible team with a rookie QB. Also. Pierre Thomas is back this week full time, Bells injury isn't as bad as thomas' was. he will be back in a week or two. Meaning Bush gets like no carries and is literally only a Dump off p option...Take it. for Sure.

What factor most likely contributed to m extinction in Permian period?

The largest contributing factor was the Permian Glaciation (B) and the major drop in sea level that resulted from it.

How do I accept this?

ok here goes, I have been seeing my boyfriend on/off since last xmas, granted not a long time but it has been a roller coaster of a relationship and feelings are strong. He was living with someone when I originally met him (online) We didnt start to have a relationship until his ex and he split up. His ex randomly text him one day to say she was pregnant, then she text to say she miscarried. Nothing added up in all fairness having been in the situation myself a while ago I know the pain and suffering and she didnt seem concerned about going back to work the next day and all the rest. Later found out she had made the whole thing up so that my boyfriend would go back to her....which he did. They split up afterwards not due to the fact that he found out she was lying but he says its because he just didnt love her enough to stay any longer. I took him back. (yes already I know how pathetic I sound!) anyways.....she is now pregnant ...again. This time its real. After many a sleepless night and more than a few tears I decided to stick by my man and support him. Now it turns out that the baby has only a 50% chance of being his due to her inability to keep her knickers on. She is currently living with the other person involved but she insists that this baby is my boyfriends. He has agreed to take a DNA test once the baby is born (Prob courtesy of Jeremy Kyle...yeh I know I sound like a cow) I suggested he needs to talk to her and be an active part of this childs life if the baby is his but to be honest the whole thing is eating me up. I said I would stand by him even being civil to her and offering her advice as she is very young and I wasnt trying to patronise her in the least but she is having none of it to the point of screaming I cannot have anything to do with this child once its born even tho I am willing to go through it with him long haul. My friends say cut your strings but my heart just cant.....how do I deal with this emotionally cos I want whats best but I cant help feeling selfish and wanting it to go away.

Teenage boys only?

you found a magical lamp with a genie in it. the genie pops out and says, "i am the love genie! i can make your perfect girl. just tell me three things you want in a girlfriend. but be careful, ask only for looks, and get a beyotch. ask only for only personality, and get a hag." what are the three things you ask for?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am 35 yrs male ,somewhat thin weight 56 kgs height 5'6" will jeans suit me and if yes then of what type?

i ume ur waist is 30-32....any jeans wil be good!! wear sumthing comfortable like the comfort fit jeans,plz dont go for those pencil fit and pipe fits...a regular fit is more than enough at any time,goes wit any tee or a shirt!

Where can i get free cologne samples?

i know that at macys or any department store they have the testers, the one you spray on the paper. I want to know where can i get like some of the actual cologne with me? my friend always gets them, and there in a little small clear container, but she doesn't tell me where to get them

Does he like me? 5th grade?

he said to me is always here for me if something is wrong and he said i love u before but he said that was his friend. He always swears in front of me. When me and my friend were walking and ran into him with his friends they were riding there bikes and he started showing off and was like wooahhh! Him and his friends look at me in the bus room and recess. They see me ride away sometimes, He puts smileys like "OH ya :)" and he doesn't want me moving and wen i said i wasn't moving he was the happiest person. he says im his bff. He says he loves his friends and bffs. He talks to me, some days he doesn't say anything to me or says i don't wanna talk (rarely) he kept turning around looking at me in cl. I screamed they cut off your arms and he was laughing and smiling at me. He said i was a good student. he sed he would hurt anyone who made fun of me but i don't think so anymore cuz he almost got in trouble becuz some kid beat HIM up. SO just tell me everything u think. I like him so maybe how do i go farther.....only if he likes me i will go ffarther

Im having friend troubles someone help me?

I know exactly how you feel,i just went through the sane thing with my former best friend. It turns out 2 weeks after he said he wanted to be friends again he changed his mind. This person sounds like they are not a positive influence. I used to do bad things with my friend,and id be lying if i didnt say it was alot of fun. But after me and him stopped being friends my life dramatically improved. I personally think you should let thid person go.

Do you know where there is an affordable fabric store in sacramento ca?

this year i have TONS of family coming in for christmas which equals out to about 35-40 gifts..Now personally i don't know what they all like so i figured blankets are common thing and no one will have to be "comparing" gifts because they all got the same thing! ha now my first question is do you think making fleece blankets is a good idea..and my second question is what is a good fabric store in the sacramento area?

What's that old country song that had something about a diamond ring?

there was an old country song tht i loved and i dont know who it was by so please help : the only words out of the song that i remember are, buy you a pretty little diamind ring. Its driving me crazyy someone please hlp!

Is the reason California Proposition 19 failed is because Pot smokers forgot yesterday was election day?

There was a big push against it by the alcohol industry, and the medical marijuana industry (drug dealers were against it too)

Do You think Felix Jones is going to have a long career?

This guy is the most explosive RB in the league and is always a shoe tackle away from breaking it. He averages about 10 yrd per carry, but he can't seem to stay healthy. Do you think he'll b able to avoid more injuries and hopefully not slow down??

Is it legal for the justice system to require a minor to skip school?

Yes it is legal, they schedule you based on what they have available. However, you can call the court clerk and tell them your issue. In most cases they will reschedule. No matter what date you will have to miss some school for it.

Do we, the people, matter at all?

God never forgets the people he had made and knew before they were born. We all have hard times, this is God making us stronger. The people are more the ones who forgot God.

I need help with a volcano project in science?

ok in science we had to write a 3 page essay on a volcano (or earthquake or tsuami) and i cose volcanos. we've been working on this essay for a week and a couple day before its due he tells us the recurments which is stupid telling us a few days before its due. and one of the things that have to be on this thing that i dont have is we have to find an article on volcanoes on like national geographic or somthing like that. and the article has to say what issue it is ( a magazein article that was put on the internet) and the name of the person who wrote is. so can u ppl give me the URL to a good website that has a good article? many many many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also if we dont have an article it affects our grade BIG time

Can i leave Melbourne Airport while in transit?

so, im a malaysian and im travelling to new zealand, transit at melbourne airport .. can i leave the airport for a short tour in melbourne? what must i do to be able to leave the airport? like visa, baggage etc..im so confused right now!!

What are the chances of getting pregant on the day that you ovulated?

i was just wondering cuz i ovulated on the 04/26 and me and my husband had that nite then i took another ovulating test and it said i was still ovulating on 04/27 and we had that nite thn i couple days ago i took a test and it came out negative was it to early or wht? i am just worry if tho we had on the days i ovulated i feel like i am not going to end up pregnant. so i was just wondering wht are the chances of me getting pregnant on the day tht i ovulated and well i most likely get BFP? and when should i test? thks!


yesterday i got my math grade sent to my mom and she and my dad got really pist at me becuase it was an F and so my dad took away and he read all the text messages!!!! i dont know what to do, becuase i smoke and it says alot of things about me smoking in my best freind's messages and i remember my dad saying once"if i find out your doing drugs youre going to move to colombia!" and so he suposedly said there was messages of me talking **** about my mom but i wasnt! and he said he was going to show my mom tongiht. i called my phone this morning, and i heard it vibrate from my dads closet. but i check through the drawers and nothings there! the messages arent there anymore becuase my feind sent a **** load of random ones the erase the ones that were there before, but hes still gonna tell my mom! what should i do??!!! help!

Tight end trouble in fantasy?

I'd go Cooley or Keller for now. I'm guessing you meant Owen Daniels???? He's injured, but will be a better choice once he's healthy. If it were me, I'd go Keller, almost no doubt.

Whats happening in Syria?

Are most Syrians with or against the president? Do you think things are going to develop (negatively) like what happened in Libya?

Would i be lost seeing the new narnia movie if i didnt see the first one?

I have read all the 7 books, and seen the first movie. I do not think you would be lost, just you will miss some details or references to events or characters presented in the first story. But in general you will be able to enjoy the story / movie. For example: why the Pevensies kids are considered Kings and Queens of Narnia.

What do you think about the beginning of my story?

It made me want to continue to read. It drew me in with the little details about "Veronica and her group of giggling cheerleader clones". That made me curious. keep writing:)

Contractor's Liability Insurance?

Hi. I am recently in the process of obtaining a permit for renovation of my home and hiring a contractor. One of the contractor that we have met with, provided us with a contract that lists the scope of the work, conditions and payment. One of the thing that I am concerned with is insurance. The contract said that he must maintain liability insurance during the duration of the contracted work and that we are not employer & employee relation. Looking online at sample contract, there was one that included a clause that states "contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the owner harmless from any liability or claim for damage b/c of bodily injury, death, property damage, sickness, disease or loss and expense arising from the contractors' negligence in the performance of the construction contract." Is it reasonable to ask that this clause be put into the contract? Or to phrase it differently, is it a deal breaker if he/she would not put this clause into the contract? I just want to be as protected as I can. How liable am I if I have homeowner's liability insurance while the independent contractor has worker's comp and liability insurance if one of his/her worker is injured on the job? Thanks.

Can you spend your way to prosperity?

Yes, what do you think capital investment is? Investing in modern infrastructure and building good transportation, energy and communication systems can pave the way to prosperity.

Is my dog in labour? is she even pregnant?

Yeah..um.. hmm... it doesn't seem like your dog is pregnant, but just keep watch on her for those 2-24 hours so that "if" she is pregnant, you are immediately at her side. Very exciting.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tna vs wwe, who is more talented overall?

WWE thats why they have most of the rating superstars.. no offense TNA'ers but thats the truth, just based it why all the wwe rejects goes there.

Do u think i'm emo honest opinions plz!?

I'm a 13 year old who iz obsessed with music such as fall out boy linkin park mcr and so on and so fourth... i have several blogs and i'm a major at writing poems about death, suicides, and losing love... my fave color is black and i think guys look hott with die in their hair, eyeliner, make-up, u know da rest.... All my friends think i have a dark sense of humor but dey luv me(or at least they betr XD)... I tend to be over emotional and i cant stand most preps (the 1's dat cant shutup!) My fave color's Black, Neon green, mixed with hott pink. I know what emo is but i need others opinions on if i am emos....If i am who cares Emo's Rawk.... If not oh well;) i'll live!

Christians! Is there anything against this in your bible?

There are a couple of pages in the Bible that seem to be saying that if you're a Christian, you should not marry people who are not Christians. But, of course, I've been smitten with people who were not Christians. If you befriend members of the opposite , you can't help it sometimes.


What I hear is that the Shiites are theocratic and Sunnis are in favor of separating the state from religion - that is why, some say, Saddam Hussein [Sunni] was not wearing religious clothing, nor mentioned much about religion, and, or no had governed by religious principles.

What is the story behind Annabelle Lee that Edgar Allan Poe wrote?

poes wife died young,annabel lee is based on his love and early loss of his wife.her name wasnt annabel lee,tho.i dont recall poes actual wifes name.

My has been really itchy lately. I dont know why! is there something wrong with me?

It probably is the soap. That happened to me too when I washed with a new soap once. If there is no unusual discharge then there is probably nothing to worry about.

What is the Electoral College and why is it important to presidential elections? Should it be abolished?

It insures that candidates don't spend time only in the states with large populations like California.


Use a needle to ' pop ' the bubbles then try to push'em flat.If that doesn't work,slice'em a little with a razor & push'er flat. Good Luck.

If a person gets the swine flu, and it is mild and they "recover", do they even need the H1N1 vaccine?

I was just thinking about all the people I know who have gotten H1N1 before they could get a vaccine, and they are fine. They personally do not need the swine flu vaccine now, right? That would also imply that they would be unlikely to get it again (at least during this flu season), right?

Rate my wrestlemania XXV?

7/10. Miz needs to be in MITB and Priceless needs to be on the card. I'd love to see a long fued involving Punk and Jericho.

Should I ask him to explain what happened? To get closure?

You said you were "totally over him." you already have closure. This clod doesn't deserve you. He used you in the past and he is trying to use you now. Frankly, the main question is why do you even text him. You shouldn't be even giving him the time of day. You need to make a concerted effort tom find another who will respect you, appreciated your giftsrand treat you like a lady. r

What do the "Thre T's" in the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity mean?

it's a fraternity secret that only people in the fraternity should know, and i dont think they're supposed to tell anybody else out of the fraternity

Can you still get into a good college without being in NHS?

NHS is really just another thing to add to an application. It can help but it most likely wouldn't be a deal breaker, and colleges do look at the difficulty of the cles you're taking. Of course it is still a good idea to try to get into it.

Whats the Best game system?

It sounds like the games you play aren't really games that are mainly online based. Therefore I would reccomned the ps3. I'm not a ps3 fanboy, tbh, i prefer the 360. And if you buy a game to go online with or whatever, the online is free on Ps3 unlike 360 which is �35 a year.

Did obama say "like all Americans I am saddened by the disaster in japan now watch this drive"?

The only Americans that care are the ones who were not alive for Pearl Harbor, which was a lot worse than people seam to remember.

Dramatic orchestra music?

I'm trying to find some music similar to the Soundtrack for the Chronicle of Narnia movies and Clint Mansell's Requiem For A Dream

I kinda feel left out... body issues... =(?

Okay wel i'm 16,and i'm pretty popular in school like people compliment and tell me your pretty, u' v got good legs and all well there's this thing like that sometimes gals who hate me make fun of me by saying that you're too skinny,which is true,its not like I'm dieting or anything like that i eat a lot but i don't know why i don't gain weight like I'm only 36 kgs and 5'4 in height,and this gal who likes my bf told him that she's all just the face,i can give you what you want,its not that my bf is interested or anything but it feels weird that maybe his friends tease him that you're gf' s too skinny,like i don't know what to do its like i don't have fat at the right places,previously it never bothered me but now it does... like all i'v got is bones,someone tell me what to do?? How do i get a good body ? =O

How much could I sell my laptop for?

That's still a good gameplaying laptop (which is what I'd emphasize while selling), but you'll be doing well to get 1/2 of what you put into it. $850

Gauge Pressure! Physics problem.. not right answer?

You've done it all right but you messed up your math at the end. 960,000 x .022 (not .088) equals your answer of 21120. Then 21120 divided by 9.8 equals 2.2 x 10^3kg which is the answer. Hope this helps.

Apply for Canada immigration from Bangladesh...?

i visited www.cic.gc.ca. Can you please explain me the whole way?... Such as bank draft's address or where to send application ?

Young Leo woman Stuck on Libra male and don't understand why?

don't listen to horescopes they are not true they just are there common trickery. if you take every one of them and open mindedly apply it to your self, you can say "wow that kindof sounds like me. or that could be me." don't ever base your life/ or relationships off of them.

Is it possible that an engineer or a scientist can create an airplane that can perform light speed?

As far as I know, it isn't possible. I'm not too knowledgeable in the laws of physics, but I do know as your speed increases, so does your m (weight.) This is possible for a photon because it hardly has any m to begin with. But an airplane? It would be far too heavy long before it could reach light speed. Now, that's not to say engineers can't solve this problem, as they are always defying what we think is the impossible.

Is there a difference between men's and women's Pumas?

For example, if it's the same style such as Turin or Speedcat, is there any real difference besides the sizing and available colors?

What do you think about me getting another puppy?

my dog roxy is a 11month old female pit bull , she has so much separation anxiety since i had my old dog put down due to cancer in june her anxiety is getting worst, shes lost without him. she weighs 50 pounds and shes a big baby, my husband bought a female 7 week old Boston terrier and i haven't introduced her to roxy. the new puppy is still at my nieces house. people tell me all the time that pits cant be raised with other dogs especially the same . roxy is a sweet heart and i think they will get alone. where going to mate are female boston terrier with my nieces male boston terrier dog. but not until shes at lease in her Second heat which will be a while probably next year. do you think roxy will not like her because roxy is sprayed and my boston terrier puppy is not? and will be having babies in the future. do you think that since there both puppies they could be raised around each other without problems? do you think that once my boston terrier have babies do you think roxy will get mean toward her and her babies? i would appreciate you input please. thank -you.

Message sent by Obama is troubling-?

as he shows his absolute naivete by shaking hands with Chavez. It tells us that BO supports *narco-terrorism*! does it NOT?

How many women has had a encounter based on curiousity? Did you like it? Would you do it again?

I have had a encounter, it was based on curiosity and the fact that I had a crush on my best girl Friend when I was in elementary school and wanted to kiss her. My first encounter was wonder full, and I was 18. I am turning 22 this year and I have had a few girl friends since then, so yeah I would defiantly do it again!!!

What would be a good electric guitar choice for around $600?

I've been playing acoustic for a little while now, and I'm interested in playing some electric blues, but I'm not sure what to buy. I like the sound of a Strat, but their popularity kinda deters me. Not to mention I've heard bad things about the MIM strats in my price range. Any suggestions?

What happens if your in the middle of a movie and die (heith ledger)?

i know he was in the middle of a few movies... do they find someone new or just quit the whole movie??

Who knows what happens with ARES, the P2P downloading programme?

It�s very slow and can�t find artists or songs that some time ago it used to find very easily. Thank you in advance for you help.

How to compress mp3 file using some freeware software?

compressing mp3s, reduces quality of them.. but you can try this tool at (a href="http://totme.com/categories/software/MP3Minimizer_v303_080107212434793237523955.html)" rel="nofollow"http://totme.com/categories/software/MP3…/a

How do you think Alan Irvine has settled in at Preston North End?

I think hes done really good (coming from a north end fan lol) to get north end to the play offs last year and a couple of derby wins. He's done well from coming from Everton istant to full time North End manager (There kinda the same if you really think about it). What do you think?

In chemistry we are doing the preparation for bromobutane, and there's just some questions I don't understand?

are u sure you didn;t use butene as your reactant and H-Br as then the H-Br adds across then bond???

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are big words necessary?

Why certain people use colossal words when providing answers? Are words with more than 5 syllables indicate their wisdom and intellect? Gigantic words are gratuitous and should be avoided, especially when explaining a particular matter. When demonstrating your point, you want the listener ( reader) to understand, right? So why bother to use mammoth words that implicate knottiness?

Very difficult parents.. help ? :(?

Ever since I was a kid I always loved and enjoyed singing and dancing. I would entertain my family cause I was always dancing around and singing random MJ or Aaliyah songs. My Dad used to be a huge fan of MJ and Bob Marley but now he absolutely loathes music and calls it 'the devil's tool'. My love and pion for music and dance has grown. I have been writing songs since I was 12 and I am now 15. I have argued with both of my parents a countless amount of times because I want to become a singer. A few months ago, I joined a singing group 'Trio Royale' it consisted of me and 2 cousins and I had to leave because of my Dad. I envy both of them soo much because they both have very supportive parents who are helping and mentoring them. Sometime last year I argued with my Dad for 2 hours trying to persuade him that not all music is 'the devil's tool' and it was soo useless it ended with me in tears. At the very least my Dad allowed me to join the school choir but that's it... last time when we were arguing he threatened to disown me that was the second time. I am aware of the most of the basics for singing, my choir director told me that I had a very unique voice and when we first met she thought I was an alto but I actually turned out to be a mezzo-soprano. Someone advised that I waited until I was old enough then I could move out and do whatever, but I was also told that the younger the better cause then you will have more experience in the music industry... someone help please I am very, very stressed right now.

Please Hlp!!!?

I need this by tommorow!!! Anwser as many as u can thnx. i need the names of insects/spiders that start with these letters---- E, G, I, J, K, N, O, Q, R, U, X, Y, Z.

I've always live to please people and it has brought so many heartaches to me. I need help to change.?

Its always nice to help other people, but sometimes you need to think about yourself. You can't please everybody. Sometimes when people such as yourself have such BIG hearts and they intend to help everyone, it can go against them because people might take advantage of you. It won't make you a bad person if you can't help everyone. Hope this helps.

How do i cite MLA in a paper? I know how to do it in my bibliography but not how to refer to it in my paper?

Visit the sites below for how to cite references MLA style. Also, I have included a link for an online citing machine:

ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… (TEXAS TECH)?

I'm looking at my application status on eRaider for Texas Tech and in the Application Status it says "Freshman Ind Review Admit" does this mean i got accepted or rejected. Thank you everyone for your help.I asked this same question 3 times because i seriously need a answer fast, sorry for being impatient.

Should I get my younger sister a birthday gift when she steals and abuses my belongings?

i guess u should get her as a gift da most thing she steals it from u so she wont steal it once more

Coefficient of Kinetic Friction?

You are driving a 2490.0-kg car at a constant speed of 14.0 m/s along a wet, but straight, level road. As you approach an intersection, the traffic light turns red. You slam on the brakes. The car's wheels lock, the tires begin skidding, and the car slides to a halt in a distance of 23.4 m. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between your tires and the wet road?

The contents of a Warhammer 40,000 Terminator boxset?

I'm creating an army list for my Black Templars army and want to know what's inside a standard Terminator boxset so i can add upgrades. For example, i want to know how many chainfists there are and if i can add 2 ault cannons to my squad. Any information on the contents of the Terminator boxset would be helpful

How is the movie "A Serbian Film" ?

well i heard that the movie is the most shocking and disgusting movie of the decade and im a pretty gorehound nd watched the trailer nd it looks kinda gory but i dont really want to watch it and be disappointed...and i heard the movie has something to do with a newborn baby and was wondering if this is even true or is it just rumor ???? cuz if its true thats pretty damn sick...

What is the name of the song that uses the beat to DJ Sammy's song Heaven?

I know two versions of Heaven sung by DJ Sammy: A quiet "Candlelight" version and a techno one. Here is a link that lists the different covers.

How many "end of the world" events have occurred on the Earth over it's life.?

Maybe a vague question to answer, but is it possible to approximate the number of events that have occurred which would wipe out most life. Huge asteroid strikes, super eruptions, ice ages etc. During the 4.5 billion year life of the Earth, on average how long between "end of the world" events?

Who is the central character of The great gatsby, nick or gatsby?

Although titles The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald focuses a major part of the book on nick. Which one is the main character, and why?

Will eating make the pain worse?

I just got spacers today and i've been taking motrin and i took one 2 hours ago..and my teeth are pretty sore on one side, and i have nothing soft in my house i can eat besides this hershey pie i bought yesterday and im soo hungry, but it seems like when i eat it makes it even more painful. What should i do? i cant take anymore motrin till 2 hours later. I'm really hungry, but then again im tired and people sometimes get hunger and tiredness mixed up. Should i stop eating for toinght since i dont want to have any pain? it's only painful when i bite down

Does anyone know if you need any vaccinations if ur a USA citizen traveling to Caracas Venezuela?

I am traveling from the USA (I'm a american citizen, first ever flying out of the usa) and going to the Caracas Airport then to Margarita Island for a weeks stay,then coming back to the USA,, I have been told you do not need any vaccinations or immunizations, but was wondering if anyone knew. Thank You

Who sings tears in heaven?

who sings tears in heaven in the 2002 remake? it was raising money for the tsunami victims.... i know elton john, ozzy and kelly osbourne, slash, gwen stefani and mary j blige were in it but i dont know who else... Thanx! =]

Dose this girl like me?

Okay, I'm in 8th grade, and in my homeroom there is a niuce girl. We ususally talk everyday I loook at her, and sometimes I see her look at me and smile. When I talk to hershe laughs a lot at my jokes. I think we would be the perfect match, she is smart and I'm smart. We are both very shy. How do I know for sure If she likes me? What are some sighns if she is flirting with me. She smiles at me and we tease each other. So how do I know if she likes me? (Without actually asking her) I'm shy. Thanks for your help!!!

Husband yelled at me and called me stupid?

I think you should just forgive him, because he did apologize. I know being called stupid is not a nice word, but it could be a lot worse. If you continue to overact he may get a lot worse. Just forget about it, dragging it along could make things worse. He seems like a good guy, maybe you could even talk to him about how your feeling. Good luck!

Do the colleges only see the ACT composite?

I recently took the March SATs. I got a 2120, which is not high enough for my top choice of Dartmouth (especially when my reading score was 620). I think seeing my reading score alone would deter Dartmouth from accepting me and I fear I won't be able to get this score up near 700. Therefore I am signed up to take the June ACT. Whenever I look for the ranges of scores by college, they only include the ACT composite score, not the individual section scores. If the colleges don't see my reading, but my overall score isn't terrible, I think I may do a bit better. So my question is, do the colleges see the scores by section, or just the composite.

If I couldn't get a loan for summer cles in college, how will I be able to get a loan for med school ?

Hi, I'm a Biology major at St. John's University (starting 3rd year in September) and I wasn't able to get a loan for $3000 for cles this past summer .. My fathers credit is shot, my mom is unemployed and a student herself, I have no income nor any worthy co-signers (I come from a not so fortunate background) .. So I was wondering how will I be able to pay for Med school ??

Is the front rail on Da Vinci Emily convertable crib too short?

i have one similar to this one... the rails are perfect on it. when the baby gets older you lower the mattress down to the lowest setting. Now with the top rails... they are spaced out the same width as the side rails. Too big for hands to get stuck but too small for heads to get in.

Can i file share using pc linux os like i used to in windows using Ares??

I have recently started using linux, try it its gr8. Takes a bit of getting used to. I just wondered if you can use anything like ares to download music and such, cheers.

Is Santa Clause Real?

Of course Santa Clause is real. The reason you don't believe is because you are a Santa-less infidel. I have FAITH that Santa is real. You'd better confess your sins and repent or you'll get coal for Christmas.

Why do Christians think they can fight globalization and the "New-world order"?

Better? You think a one world government would be better?? We can't all get along NOW, how on earth could putting everyone under one global dictator be better?? Because, think about it - there are nearly 7 billion people on this planet. It's not reasonable to think that one could successfully launch a global presidential campaign, and have nearly 7 billion people vote, and then not have rioting, looting, and possibly even rebellion and violence in the aftermath.